2022-2023 Academic Year Summary
2022-2023 Academic Year Summary
The concluding event of the 2022-2023 academic year of Vanadzor State University was held on July 9. The beginning of the ceremony was signaled by the performance of a song dedicated to the university.
The Rector of the University, Professors, Employees, Students and Guests were present at the event.
The history of the foundation of the university was represented by the students of Vanadzor State University basic high school, college and university.
2022-2023 academic year was represented by the concluding video which showed the whole process of the work done.
Rector of Vanadzor State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rustam Sahakyan mentioned in his congratulatory speech “Our university has once again proved that it is the best and the foremost in the Lori region”. During the event, the Rector also expressed his gratitude towards the employees of the university, who worked tirelessly throughout the year to keep the honor of the university high.
The ceremony was accompanied by the artistic performances of VSU “Biaina” Choir and the “Adelas” Dance Group, students of the university, college and basic high school, students of Vanadzor State Art School named after M. Tavrizyan and the drummers group of Culture House named after Gusan Zakaryan.