Study Visit to Germany within the Framework of “Media” Project
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ «Strengthening the quality of online education in the universities of Moldova and Armenia» Media project, from June 26 to June 29 the second study visit to the Bielefeld campus of the University of Applied Sciences / Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Germany took place.
The visit was organized for the representatives of the MEDIA project consortium, which includes universities and organizations from Moldova, Armenia, Germany, Finland. The representatives of Vanadzor State University were the Rector Rustam Sahakyan, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Lusine Kostandyan, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Hermine Grigoryan.
The official opening of the event was made by the Rector of the National Research University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Professor Ann Dreyer.
Тafterwards a visit to FHM was organized. It was led by the head of the marketing department of the university, Mrs. Melanie Heger.
The program of the study visit included the following topics:
- digital education,
- online and distance education strategies,
- creation of digital educational resources.
- integration of artificial intelligence and chat-bots in the university management system,
- artificial intelligence solutions. course recommendations based on skills and values assessment;
- electronic mastering tools, etc.
The purpose of the visit was to showcase best practices in online education, including teaching, administration, testing and quality assurance, and to propose tools and mechanisms developed in universities across Europe aimed at ensuring the quality of online education at the institutional level.