Online Meetings with Partners from the Catholic University of Porto within the framework of the ARMDOCT Project
Online Meetings with Partners from the Catholic University of Porto within the framework of the ARMDOCT Project
During January, February and March, within the framework of the Erasmus + program ” Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in Line with Needs of Academia, Industry and Current EU Practices” (ARMDOCT) regular online meetings were held with Eduardo Cardozo, professor, researcher and coordinator of the innovation department of the Catholic University of Porto, and Telmo Santos Technology Transfer Manager.
Representatives of the Vanadzor State University were Aren Santoyan, coordinator of the ARMDOCT program of VSU, Associate Professor at the Chair of Armenian Language and Literature, Varduhi Hovsepyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Armenuhi Harutyunyan, Head of the Research, Innovation and Cooperation Department, Hermine Grigoryan, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Hermine Baburyan, Head of the Chair of Armenian Language and Literature.
The partners of the Catholic University of Porto presented their experience of the doctoral school, quality assurance processes, the main provisions of the organization of research work and co-supervision of a thesis.
The partners of the Vanadzor State University, in turn, presented the policy, structural and organizational mechanisms of the doctoral education in a university, as well as the current curricula.
During the discussions, it was decided to draw up pilot curricula for several specialties, taking into account the experience of the partner university.
The meetings are continuous.