Erasmus + MEDIA project kick-off meeting took place in Moldova
On March 14-17, 2023 the kick-off meeting of Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education “Strengthening the quality of online education in HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” (MEDIA) project took place in Chișinău, the Republic of Moldova. The participants of the meeting were the representatives of a number of higher education institutions and non-governmental organizations from Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, Germany, Finland, and Latvia. The coordinator of the MEDIA project is Moldova State University.
Aurelia Hanganu, Vice-Rector for Science and International Affairs of Moldova State University, Representatives of Universities, Organizations and Ministries of Science and Education of Moldova and Armenia also attended the event.
Elena Simciuc, Project Coordinator presented the main objectives of the project, distribution of results, issues of its quality assurance, management and implementation.
The Project coordinators presented the Project goals and objectives, work packages, intended events, study visits, schedule, and expected deliverables. The leader of each work package presented the details of every single work package with a special emphasis on the activities and the timeframe. The financial management, general management structure, and other necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the Project were also discussed during the meeting: dissemination strategy, sustainability strategy, quality management, etc.
During the working days, several study visits were arranged to labs, research centers, as well as SMART Caffes of the Moldova State University and Moldova State Technical University.
The consortium partners also participated in the International Conference “Digital Transformation” within the frame of the Jean Monnet action. The ongoing CONNECT project achieved results were presented during the conference, as well as the trainings, the challenges, and the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous learning.
The representatives of Vanadozor State Unviersity were Rustam Saakyan, VSU Rector, and Hermine Grigoryan, Local Coordinator of the Project, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.