The articles are published in Armenian, Russian or English. The article must be submitted in electronic version by sending it to the indicated e-mail address, providing the data of all authors in Armenian, Russian and English.The computer layout should be in Microsoft Office Word 2007 on A4 paper, margins: top − 20 mm, bottom − 25 mm, left − 30 mm, right − 10 mm. Font in case of Armenian − Unicode (Sylfaen), in case of Russian and English − Times New Roman, font size − 12, line spacing – 1,5, paragraph (First line) − 0.75 cm. No double space. Tables, pictures and graphic images should have numbering; their titles should have the font size – 10 (Bold, Italic). Their height should not exceed 170 mm, width − 110 mm. The font size of the tables should be 10. Formulas and mathematical expressions are presented in Microsoft Equation (Italic), and the main ones are on a separate line in the middle: can be numbered in the right hand corner of the same line, in round brackets (). If the article contains some symbols not found in Sylfaen font, the electronic font of those symbols is required as well. At the top of the first page the Sphere and UDC is mentioned, while in the middle of the next line the title of the article is written in Bold, without uppercase letters. The author’s surname, name, academic degree and the name of organization should be in the right hand corner of the next line (Bold, Italic). The next line should start with the phrase – ‘‘Key words’’, which should comprise 6-8 key words or expressions. Words used in the title should not be included in the key words. Articles are organized into special subdivisions according to subheadings. References in the text are given in square brackets [].References are presented numbered. In the middle of the line following the text of the article, the word “Bibliography” is written in Bold, without uppercase letters. The list of literary sources is presented in alphabetical order,numbered.Bibliography is followed by summaries in two languages, which should be identical in their content and key words and consist of 250-300 words. First, the title of the article is written, the author’s name and surname, then in separate lines: a) the word ‘‘Summary’’ in the corresponding language, without uppercase letters, b) key words, c) the text of the summary. Summaries should not contain abbreviations, references and citations. The summaries should reflect the content of the article (should not be taken from the text). The maximum length of the article is 20 pages without summaries in two languages, lists of literary sources and abbreviations. In case the length of the article does not meet the set criteria, the decision concerning the publishing of the article is made by the editorial board.
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