Seminars for Employees and Students within the Framework of the Erasmus + Desire Project

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE “Development of Soft Skills at Higher Education Institutions of Armenia and Georgia in Compliance with the 21st Century Labor Market Requirements” (DeSIRe) Project lecturers who underwent university training at the University of Granada, Spain, held seminars for university students and staff at SMART Caffe on November 21-27. During the seminars, participants were introduced to the topics of “Media and Digital Literacy Skills”, “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion”, “Key Entrepreneurial Skills. Initiative and Activity” and “Reflective Thinking and Evaluation Skills”. The seminars were conducted by Armine Gevorgyan (Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Economics, Law and Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences), Lusine Kostandyan (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor), Varduhi Hovsepyan (Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor), and Nare Hovhannisyan (Lecturer of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology).

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