New cooperation to improve the Quality of Education

On December 24, the founder of «Susanna Sargsyan» Charitable Foundation Hovhannes Danielyan and the Rector of “Vanadzor State University named after H. Tumanyan» Foundation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rustam Saakyan signed a memorandum of cooperation. This initiative is aimed at supporting the improvement of the quality of higher education through student development and expanding career opportunities.

The following important initiatives are planned within the framework of the cooperation:

• improving the educational environment. New opportunities will be created at the university to modernize the educational process and enrich the academic life of students,

• establishing personal scholarships. The goal is to encourage and support successful students, which will contribute to increasing motivation for learning,

• strengthening ties between employers and students. The purpose of the memorandum is to establish a closer connection between students and employers, which will allow laying a stronger foundation for starting a career.

• effective organization of educational and industrial practice. This will allow students to acquire practical knowledge and skills that ensure their readiness for the labor market.

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