Meeting with the Employees of Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Meeting with the Employees of Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Dear lecturers and students,

We are pleased to inform about the meeting with the employees of Lappeenranta University of Technology: professor Leonid Chechurin and junior researcher Anastasia Chakir. The meeting will take place on October 6, within the framework of the Erasmus+ CONNECT project.

To lecturers, researchers and graduate students of VSU the following seminars are prepared:

“Innovative teaching methods” – A. Chakir

14:00-15:00, SMART CAFFE Center

To lecturers, researchers,graduates, and students:

“Creative Problem Solving” – L. Chechurin

15:00-16:00, SMART CAFFE Center

If you became interested in the seminars, please register by October 5.

«Դասավանդման նորարարական մեթոդներ» սեմինար (

«Խնդիրների ստեղծագործ լուծում» (Creative ProblemSolving) սեմինար (

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