The Soviet School and the Measurement of the Dailyness of the Educational System
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)
2023 vol 2
The Soviet School and the Measurement of the Dailyness of the Educational System
(On the Example of Ijevan School Construction)
Vladimir Poghosyan
Natella Grigoryan
Ashkhen Mkrtumyan
Maria Stepanyan
Key words. everyday life, educational system, communist ideology, political organization, repression, school statistics, socialist education
The article is dedicated to the study of the peculiarities of the educational and cultural life of Soviet Ijevan in the 1920s-30s. Within the framework of the article an attempt has been made to identify the local features of the educational system, the social status of the teaching staff, perceptions, ideological manifestations and reality. The purpose of the article is to study the daily features of the formation of the educational system of Soviet Armenia, more specifically the educational life of Ijevan and the region, based on the Soviet Armenian press and official sources.
In addition, we tried to study the features of the educational activities of Soviet Ijevan in the 1920s-30s: the daily events of the establishment of a Soviet school, the elimination of illiteracy, the process of training teaching staff, the patterns and deviations of the school environment of the Soviet ideology and communist code of conduct.
Along with the sovietization of Armenia, the general educational system underwent transformations: new educational standards and new models of the art school were formed