Teaching the Subject of “Social Work Technology”with the Use of Interactive Methods

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 2

Teaching the Subject of “Social Work Technology” with the Use of Interactive Methods

Anahit Stepanyan


Key words: interaction, intensive, “Case Study – study of situations” method, reflection, promotion, initiative, competence, efficiency

 The scientific basis of the applicability of interactive techniques in higher education of social work curricula is presented in this article. The paper offers encouraging guidance on training in the “social work” profession as well as trends in its advancement and the use of technology.

Teaching in the field of “social work” requires consideration of the particulars of contemporary social work as well as its tendencies of growth. In this instance, a fresh perspective on graduate programs for social workers is provided through a discussion of pertinent professional and educational environments as well as the attributes of such training.

This study presents the findings of an analysis that conceptualizes interactive approaches, methods at the impact that technology plays in the design of a graduate program. It also justifies scientific and practical approaches in teaching social work.

The novelty of the study is also the fact that nearly all subjects of higher education are subjects of the educational and professional environment aimed at developing the student’s professional competence.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58726/27382915-2023.2-262