Perception and Use of Symbolic Means in the Intellectual andPedagogical Education of Six-Year-Old Children

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 2

Perception and Use of Symbolic Means in the Intellectual and Pedagogical Education of Six-Year-Old Children

Liza Haroyan, Alina Haroyan


Key words: mental development, intellectual tasks, model transformation, mental activity, preschool age, diagnosis, way of thinking


It is crucial to ascertain which alternatives to symbolic items are available, what challenges exist, and how six-year-olds are able to conquer them over the parenting and schooling process.

Today’s secondary school demands a considerable amount of proficiency, particularly when using conventional symbols to solve problems.

The next significant factor is that children as young as six years old have varying degrees of personal assimilation of scientific principles when they enter the classroom to learn more about how children aged six interpret and use various symbolic mediums.

The activities, which will be presented sequentially with different means of symbol substitution, are made up of several stages. At each stage, different types of problems are represented with various definitions of relations. To describe the problems we have used, it is convenient to apply formulas, in which there are three objects or acting people and they are marked by the letters A, B, C.

The aim of the article is to follow and find out how children accept and use different objective and symbolic means of problem solving, and to reveal the degree of assimilation.