Problems of Teaching the Topic of theArmenian Genocide in Primary School

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 2

Problems of Teaching the Topic of the Armenian Genocide in Primary School

 Nazik Gishyan


Key words: historical and cultural heritage, international crime, Holocaust, UN Convention, historical memory, methods of teaching


The article discusses the issues of teaching the history of the Armenian Genocide in the primary schools of Armenia. The article deals with the number of methods, which have been used over the past decade, for the representation of this topic in Armenian reality. As a result of our research, we came to the conclusion that is significant to use such teaching methods that will help teachers to detach students from the status of victim. We propose to represent the heroic struggle of our people and increase the number of hours for teaching this topic.

The pupil may also be assigned to conduct independent research to identify, collect, and edit story fragments of Genocide among his/her relatives. The few teaching hours allocated to the teaching of the Genocide are not enough to achieve the intended results, so we propose to increase this number of hours. Teaching this topic is important not only from the perspective of preserving and transmitting the collective memory of the peoples who have undergone genocide, but also of all mankind. As a result, the student will learn about the negative connotations of Genocide, will learn not to tolerate such incidents, no matter where they occur, and most importantly, will understand that one cannot remain indifferent to injustice committed against others.