The International Experience of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public AdministrationThe International Experience of Evaluating

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 2

The International Experience of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Administration

Erik Hakobyan

Roman Karapetyan


Key words: indicators, system, economic, method, result, separation of assessment and control

 In each country, the forms of exercising power have their own characteristics with the opportunistic nature. They mainly differ from each other in the scope and scale of the period since the existence or creation of the state. In order for the ideas about the given country to be clarified in a certain way, it is necessary to first of all refer to which chronological part or after which events the process of its establishment began. It is directly aimed at the system of public administration, to exercise its power and to engage more firmly and soundly in its activities.

Political processes are initiated in the direction of establishing and strengthening the management system along with the formation of statehood in Armenia, as in many other recently created countries. However, these efforts are sadly unable to reach their destination, given their direct relationship to geopolitical processes, of which the South Caucasus region is also regarded as a constituent part, where, as in many other regions, conflicts like volcanoes that have not yet died out maintain their activity.