The Role of Mobile Games in the Process of Physical Education
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)
2023 vol 1
The Role of Mobile Games in the Process of Physical Education of Young School Children
Gevorg Aghanyan
Key words: physical education, physical development, upbringing, motor activity, ability, health
In recent years, there has been an aggravation of health problems among the growing generation, including children of primary school age. Diseases of the locomotor system (scoliosis, etc.) occupy the first place in terms of the prevalence of diseases among children studying in primary school. The number of children with low height, underweight, physical development level and biological age discrepancy has increased. The number of functional deviations occurring with age is increasing.
The above-mentioned data prove that the development of motor abilities among children is currently at a relatively low level, which, in fact, cannot meet the modern requirements for solving educational, health-improving and upbringing problems presented to physical education at school. Therefore, the education problem of children’s motor skills in public schools through outdoor games is very relevant and requires the search for effective ways to further improve it.
Primary school age is the most favorable time to include outdoor games as a means and method in the educational process. In this regard, the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and pedagogical observations show that the most important effect and result of the game is the joy and emotional uplift of children that create a purposeful educational environment for the effective assimilation of motor actions.
Thus, the study and analysis of literary sources on the problem showed that the role of outdoor games in the system of physical and sports education is great. Outdoor games not only strengthen health and develop the body, but are also a means of cultural, moral education and integration of a person into society.