The Complexity of Measuring the Effectiveness of Employment Regulation in Terms of Beneficiary Expectations
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)
2023 vol 1
The Complexity of Measuring the Effectiveness of Employment Regulation in Terms of Beneficiary Expectations
Arine Stepanyan
Key words: employment, efficiency, beneficiaries, beneficiary expectations, labor market flexibility, talent/brain utilization efficiency
Assessing the effectiveness of employment regulation is a difficult task, especially when it refers to the expectations of beneficiaries. Assessing the effectiveness of employment regulation within the expectations of beneficiaries can be difficult for several reasons. First, you need to understand what each beneficiary understands or expects by efficiency. There are many stakeholders involved in employment regulation, including employers, employees, government agencies, etc. Each interested party may have different expectations and goals from regulation, which makes it difficult to assess the effectiveness of regulation for all.
Data on the impact of employment regulation may be limited, especially in the short term. It may take time to see the full effect of regulation, and it may be difficult to separate the effect of regulation from other factors that can make it difficult to accurately assess effectiveness. Employment regulation can also have undesirable consequences that are difficult to predict or measure. For example, regulating the protection of workers’ rights can lead to higher costs for employers, which can lead to a reduction in hiring or a decrease in employment opportunities. Assessing the effectiveness of employment regulation may be complicated by political considerations. Political leaders may have different priorities.
To address these challenges, it is necessary to consider multiple perspectives and data sources when evaluating the effectiveness of employment regulation. The clear criteria and a starting point for comparison should be established. Beneficiaries should be involved in the evaluation process to ensure that their expectations are being met. In addition, a long-term monitoring should be conducted to track the impact of the regulation over time.