Postgraduate Degree
Postgraduate Degree
The advancement of science is one of the primary goals of the university’s development strategy. The implementation of post-graduate (postgraduate) education, which is carried out in accordance with the Bologna principles on a credit basis, is the primary means of advancing science, modernizing scientific and pedagogical people, and arranging the generational transition at the university. The organization of researcher training and the implementation of the credit system are aimed at providing a wider range of knowledge, skills and abilities of graduate students and applicants at the university, on the one hand, and training of professional knowledge, general basic skills, management and communication skills on the other hand.
The post-graduate education system at Vanadzor State University has been operating since 2006, which is carried out through post-graduate studies and applicants’ system. Within the framework of post-graduate education, VSU trains scientific and pedagogical personnel in various specialties. A number of documents were developed and approved by the Scientific Council of Vanadzor State University for the purpose of the implementation of postgraduate and legal education programs:
- “Procedure of the admission to post-graduate studies and formulation of applicants’ system with the educational program of researcher training”.
- “Regulations on the organization of the educational process, the structure of the scientific educational program of research training (postgraduate and applicants’ system studies) at Vanadzor State University”
- “Procedure of providing academic leave to students and graduate students at Vanadzor State University”