Employers and Job Seekers at Vanadzor State University
On May 18, Vanadzor State University organized the traditional “Job Fair” event, which began with the anthems of the Republic of Armenia and VSU. Anush Simikyan, Alumni Relations Coordinator gave a welcoming speech.
The purpose of the event is to connect employers with job seekers and solve the problem of employment of University students and graduates.
Welcoming the participants of the fair, Rustam Saakyan, University Rector noted that it has become a tradition to organize this event annually and increase the number of employers for the benefit of students, graduates and job seekers in general, since the event has long ceased to be an intra-university event and is becoming more popular year after year.
19 employers from the public and private sectors presented their interests at the 2024 Job Fair: Vanadzor regional center, banks, logistics companies, hotels, dental clinic, educational institutions, etc. The list of employers represented at the Fair was diverse. Among the most popular vacancies were teachers, programmers of various specializations, service workers, translators, testers, drivers, etc.
Rustam Saakyan, Rector of Vanadzor State University presented letters of gratitude to the Fair participants for their active cooperation and participation.
According to the organizers of the event, the event was successful and expectations were met.