The Study on the Functional State of the Vestibular Analyzer amongStudents and Some Methods for its Improvement

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Natural and Exact Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)       

202vol 2 

The Study on the Functional State of the Vestibular Analyzer among Students and Some Methods for its Improvement

Mery Kirakosyan Tatevik Manukyan


Key words: equilibrium, vestibular disfunction, static stability, motor coordination statokinetic tests, statocoordinator tests

The vestibular analyzer is essential for the physical, intellectual, speech, and emotional development of children. However, the functional state of the vestibular apparatus among adolescents and its potential disorders remain insufficiently studied. Given the importance of this issue, we assessed the vestibular analyzer’s functional state among 9th-grade pupils from N.1 and N.23 Basic Schools of Vanadzor, as well as the influence of a special set of exercises on the indices of stability of the functional state of the vestibular analyzer. As a result of the study, through statocoordinator and statokinetic tests, pupils with vestibular disorders were identified.

After implementing a special set of exercises with an experimental group, the results of the “Romberg pose” test with open eyes indicated an increase in the average index of static stability by 10.98 %, while the test with closed eyes showed an increase of 9.95 % in static stability. This targeted exercise set, aimed at enhancing the vestibular analyzer to maintain a stable upright posture, yielded positive outcomes.

Based on these findings, we recommend evaluating pupils’ vestibular analyzer functionality to identify those with vestibular disfunction. The paper emphasizes the proper distribution of physical activity during physical education classes, and we further recommend incorporating specialized exercises to improve the vestibular analyzer’s functional state.