Scales for Assessing the Final Results of Various Formsof Student Learning
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Natural and Exact Sciences (ISSN 2738-2923)
2024 vol 1
Scales for Assessing the Final Results of Various Forms of Student Learning
Nelli Adamyan
Key words: learning results, laboratory experience, teaching practice, field practice, assessment scale, assessment criteria, single indicators
The RA professional education system still does not use universal scales for assessing student achievements. Therefore, the assessment scales created by each teacher that, meet the final requirements of the academic program, can contribute to the formation of a unified assessment scale at the university. Scale assessment is one of the indicators of the quality and objectivity of education. In addition, it contributes to the development of students’ self-assessment, peer assessment, analytical/comparative abilities, responsibility, planning of further actions to improve the student’s academic performance, etc. Each type of educational activity (studying and processing lectures and primary sources, participation in seminars, discussions/debates, justifying one’s own opinion, making decisions and adapting decisions to changing situations, performing practical laboratory work, carrying out extracurricular professional activities (practice), etc.) have the greatest potential to achieve one or more of the objectives and results/competencies of the academic program.
Accordingly, the criteria for assessing the results of each type of activity are different. An important condition for the reliability and effectiveness of assessment scales, in addition to choosing the right criteria, is to determine the real requirements/indicators of various units according to the principle of gradually increasing complexity of constructivity.
In this paper, we will present the samples of scales that evaluate the outcomes of students in laboratory experiments, field practice and lessons during teaching practice.