The Application of the Assessment Method in Trigonometry
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Natural and Exact Sciences (ISSN 2738-2923)
2024 vol 1
The Application of the Assessment Method in Trigonometry
Robert Musayelyan
Key words: equation, inequality, system, extimate, example, demonstration
This work is devoted to the solutions of trigonometric equations and systems, proofs of trigonometric expressions for which the so-called famous evaluation method is used. Let’s briefly introduce this method. If, for example, you need to solve the equation , where and are functions of trigonometric expressions, such that you can explore their range of values of and prove that these sets either do not have a common point or have a common point. In this case, when the equation has a solution, it decays to the equivalent system и , which is relatively easy to solve.
The work presents equations, systems of equations, the solution of which at first glance seems difficult, but after equivalent transformations it is solved using the specified method. In the work given from 10 examples, the last 2 are the proofs of inequalities, where the specified method is also used. The examples and the applications of the methods of solutions have a methodological, instructive value, especially for high school students.