The Role and Significance of Shooting Nowadays

Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2024 vol 2

The Role and Significance of Shooting Nowadays

Zaven Evoyan


Key words: shooting range, ball shooting, shooter, sniper, patriotism, Karabakh war, Olympic Games, world, European and USSR championships

In the years of 1953-1958 two shooting schools were established in Kirovakan (now Vanadzor) which continued to operate until the 1988 earthquake. The students of shooting schools participated in various sporting events: Olympic games, World, Europe and USSR championships. During the first Karabakh war, six of the school’s graduates demonstrated exceptional sniping skills. The restoration of the shooting schools in Vanadzor has a significant importance in solving problems of spiritual-moral and patriotic upbringing. In order to address the issues of spiritual-moral and patriotic education, it is crucial that the shooting school in Vanadzor will be restored. The sense of patriotism is an essential quality of the citizen of the country. The importance of shooting in our lives can hardly be overestimated. It helps develop such qualities as concentration, patience and technical skill. Shooting also helps develop physical endurance and strength, as well as general physical fitness. Moreover, shooting helps develop discipline, self-control and self-confidence. For many people, shooting is not only a sport, but also a way to relax, relieve stress and enjoy the simplicity and accuracy of movement. The practice of shooting, the desire to learn how to use a weapon raises much interest among students.