Advertising as an Important Tool for Promoting and SellingTourist Products and Services
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)
2024 vol 2
Advertising as an Important Tool for Promoting and Selling Tourist Products and Services
Gagik Tadevosyan Heghine Manukyan
Key words: advertisement, websites, advertiser, promotion, sales of products, tourist products, services
The relevance of the following article is due to the fact that in the modern conditions of fierce competition, advertising activity acquires great importance as a tool for conveying information about the tourist product to the consumer. Taking into account the competitive nature of tourist activity in the supply and demand market, the importance of the promotion factor significantly increases. The article considers modern advertising technologies of tourist products, features and prospects of their application, creation of single websites, the use of new, more attractive advertising methods of working with target audience. Modern practice shows that one of the weakest points that a travel agency has is the lack of experience, lack of materialistic and financial resources for the successful progress. As for advertising expenses to provide the desired result, it is necessary to know in advance the address of the target audience, its preferences, interests in terms of recreation and travel. Answers to the mentioned questions can be obtained only by conducting research. In order to identify and evaluate the role of advertising in the promotion of the tourist product, we conducted a sociological survey, the analysis of the results of which is presented in the article.