The Role of Meaningfulness in Life in Overcoming the Uncertainty
Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)
2024 vol 2
The Role of Meaningfulness in Life in Overcoming the Uncertainty
Marianna Mazmanyan
Key words: uncertainty tolerance, transitivity period, VUCA-world, life meaning orientations, situational anxiety, locus of control
The article presents the results of a study conducted among the teaching staff of VSU. The results confirmed the hypothesis that the development of uncertainty tolerance can help overcome anxiety and stress that arise in conditions of transience, variability, unpredictability and uncertainty that characterize modern life. The results also allow us to conclude that the degree of meaningfulness of life plays a positive role in maintaining stress tolerance in difficult life situations. Nowadays science carries the concept of uncertainty, which is used widely, being a popular research subject for a century along with the concepts of risk, modeling, chance, probability, spontaneity. All the mentioned are recognized as essential characteristics of modern life and human cognition of his/her self and the world itself. Uncertainty is not so much an epistemological but an ontological characteristic of reality; it is associated not with a lack of information or a limited understanding of something by a person, but with the fact that, being a fundamental principle of the world order, it is subject to only partial, limited cognition.