Importance of Human Resource Managementin Higher Education System

Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2024 vol 2

Importance of Human Resource Management in Higher Education System

Tatevik Tonoyan


Key words: personnel management, HRM directions, functions, organization requirements, strategic planning, global science indicators

The article examines the critical importance of human resource management in higher education institutions, particularly in the light of the challenges of the 21st century and the emerging knowledge-based economy. Human resource management plays a pivotal role in the strategic planning and management of universities. The intellectual potential, personal qualities, and professional abilities of employees ensure the continuous improvement, development, and competitive position of higher educational institutions in the region and beyond, leading to high work efficiency.

To communicate the goals and vision of the higher education institution to the university community and employees, it is important to develop a human resource management strategy that delineates the goals and objectives arising from the overall strategic plan of the university. Reference is made to the four main directions of human resources management, along with the functions of organizing and implementing these directions, and the organizational requirements.

The importance of the European Charter for Researchers, approved by the European Commission, and the ethics regulations in the field of researcher recruitment are presented in the context of developing human resources management strategy. Additionally, the educational policy of the European Union, aimed at promoting research and creating favorable conditions for the growth and professional development of researchers, is highlighted.