Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Social Activity

Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2024 vol 2

Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Social Activity of Younger Schoolchildren

Karmile Virabyan


Key words: process, knowledge, ability, skill, interaction, interest, communication, holistic system

Our investigation into the topic of younger schoolchildren’s social activity formation revealed that theoretical and methodological prerequisites have currently been established for the problem’s resolution and enhancement. The analysis showed that the essence of social activity of schoolchildren was specified: defined as cognitive, emotional and effective-behavioral education, reflecting the attitude of schoolchildren towards the society. The content of the concept of “social activity”, that includes a complete system of social knowledge, social assessments and experiences, social-volitional aspirations and actions expressing the attitude towards society, other people and oneself, has been studied and deepened. The specific features of the formation of social activity of schoolchildren are: age, individual changes, pupils’ emotional states and personality orientation. Determined components of social activity of schoolchildren are as follows: cognitive, emotional and effective-behavioral. The criteria for the formation of social activity are the volume, depth and effectiveness of knowledge on social values, the expression of attitudes towards social ​​and emotional experiences, the sustainability of social actions. The criteria of social activity formation are presented at low, medium and high levels. The areas of interaction between school and family that ensure the process of forming the social activity of schoolchildren are defined: educational, methodological, social-pedagogical, technological.