The Image of Young Parents on the Child and Their Role in Child’s Life

Scientific Proceedings of Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2024 vol 2

The Image of Young Parents on the Child and Their Role in Child’s Life

Seda Bezhanyan


Key words: clinical-biographical method, life position of parents, personal position of parents, social role determination of parents, degree of consent

When studying the upbringing of a child in a family and the relationship between a parent and a child, it is necessary to take into account the cause-and-effect relationship between deviations, as well as the patterns between the formation of the child’s psychology and psychological disorders in the family.

The included method of the observation is used in the clinical-biographical and pedagogical-psychological complex. Along with these methods, various pedagogic-psychological techniques are used, helping to analyze deviations in the educational impact on the child.

The questionnaire consists of 100 statements about young parents. questions reflecting the basic principles of raising children, giving an idea of ​​the role models in the family structure, showing the mechanisms of the system of mutual influences of family integration. The parent must read the statements in the questionnaire and, in case of agreement, either select the appropriate line in the special “Answer Form” or, in case of disagreement, delete the answer. As a result, the educator gets a solution to two problems: by what principles and why the child grows.

What matters is how well the child’s various needs are met. There are two transgressions: self-indulgence and neglect of needs.