

Dear students, lecturers of VSU and external stakeholders,

we are pleased to inform that on September 28 within the frames Erasmus + “Support for Innovative Methodology, Approaches and Tools for Teaching through the Medium of English in order to improve Educational Yield, Sustainability and Internationalization” (SMARTI) project, an online training is organized.

The training is dedicated to the development of written English (Module 4: Writing Training), professional English (Module 9: ESP Materials), and teacher support (Module 10: Individual Teacher Support).

The training will be conducted by the project coordinator Gerry Cullen from the Technical University of Dresden and  Katja Ullmann, Andrea Stubenraucher.

You can find an agenda of the event here:

FINAL — SMARTI — Program Special Annual Steering Meeting of Coordinator & AR Partners and Introductory Main CurriculumTraining 27-30 Sep-2022.docx (

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