The Problem of Psychological Traumatization of War Participants

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 1

The Problem of Psychological Traumatization of War Participants

Lilit Stepanyan


Key words: psychotrauma, combat stress (battle fatigue), stress factor, PTSD, mental reaction, emotional state


In the modern world, a person is constantly exposed to various influences of the environment, which for an individual can be a source of mental trauma, and in such a situation, the symptoms of post-traumatic disorder can be quite often found in the surrounding environment.

In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that people are concerned about the events happening on Earth that lead to psychological trauma. Such attention is due to long-term inter-ethnic conflicts on the one hand, which eventually lead to wars, and on the other hand, to the rise of the consciousness of people and nations, which makes them bear mutual responsibility. In this situation, it is natural that psychology has become the reliable source of support which can conduct research and develop different methods to overcome similar situations. In the media and among the population, there is often a negative attitude towards combatants, as to people with a disturbed psyche, violators of generally accepted norms of behavior, etc. The lack of clear diagnostic and prognostic criteria creates significant difficulties in recognizing the initial manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorders, readaptation and rehabilitation of patients. In this regard, there is a growing interest in studying the characteristics of the personality and its functioning, which influence the choice and success of strategies for coping behavior.

The remote, severe and long-term effects of post-traumatic stress disorder are of particular social relevance. Traumatic situations and their consequences occupy a significant place among negative emotional conditions. Traumatic life events often lead to stress, deterioration of mental health, various mental disorders and diseases. We may say that the events, which are considered traumatic for a person and are not overcome, change life and deform its image. Therefore, we consider it important to study traumatization, especially among war participants, because combat operations cause great trauma and are stressful by their nature. The work aims to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of traumatization of war participants.