Tourism Business Analysis of the Mountainous Topography of Lori Region

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 1

Tourism Business Analysis of the Mountainous Topography of Lori Region

Sasun Baghdasaryan

 Victoria Harutyunyan


Key words: mountain-geographical object, relief, absolute height, routing, subdistrict, landscape, landscape landmark, tourism business


Summarizing the results of the work, we can conclude that tourism has become one of the most profitable types of business in the world, it accounts for about 10% of the total world income. The number of tourists is constantly increasing, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2022 their number will be more than 900 million people.

Many countries owe their prosperity to the development of tourism. From this point of view, the Republic of Armenia is not an exception in the direction of tourism development, where the Lori region occupies a leading position. The development of mountain tourism in the Lori region will stimulate the tourism business of the Republic of Armenia.

As we are informed from the statistical department of the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of the Republic of Armenia, including the air cargo, each tourist who stays in the Republic of Armenia for seven days leaves Armenia for about 800 to 1000 US dollars. If we multiply this number by the number of 75,000 tourists, we get about $75 million. Assessing the impact of tourism on the country’s economy, it can be noted that the specific (unit) weight of tourism in Armenia’s GDP ranges from 6% to 8%. From this perspective, the share of Lori region tourism is quite large.

Lori region can increase the growth of budget revenues from tourism. Expert studies prove that the revenues from tourism have tendency to increase by about 20% annually. However, the tourism sector of Lori region is facing serious problems. Special attention is paid to the solution of the problems in the development and implementation of tourism programs in Armenia planned by the state concept of tourism development. Today, some of the problems are being successfully solved, in particular, the acute transport problems have been solved, the situation in the hotel sector has improved. Only in recent years, about 20 large hotels have been restored and opened in RA, besides a serious competition is also observed in the restaurant industry.