Linguostylistic Stratifications in the Novels “Mayta”and “Araksia, or the Governess” by Srbuhi Tyusab

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2023 vol 1

  Linguostylistic Stratifications in the Novels “Mayta” and “Araksia, or the Governess” by Srbuhi Tyusab

 Naira Hambardzumyan
 Siranush Parsadanyan


Key words: Srbuhi Tyusab, “Mayta”, “Araksia, or the Governess”, feminine discourse, trope, intertext, ellipsis, oxymoron

This article is an attempt to examine the linguistic and stylistic stratifications, their features, and interpenetrations in the novels “Mayta” and “Araksia, or the Governess” by the Western Armenian writer Srbuhi Tyusab. The aim of the study is to identify the linguostylistic stratifications in the novels of Srbuhi Tyusab “Maita” and “Araksia, or the Governess” as a female writing technique, based on the study of the linguistic features of the prose of Western Armenian female authors of the second half of the 19th century. The problem of the study is to newly interpret the literary techniques and tools (comparisons, allegories, metaphors, oxymoron, ellipsis, morphological and syntactic tricks, etc.) used in the fiction works of Western Armenian women authors of the second half of the 19th century. In the novels of Srbuhi Tyusab, the female-male worldview and world-images are clearly emphasized.

The material was analyzed in the context of the reciprocal connections and relationships between linguistics and literary studies. We used the method of comparative, linguistic, and literary anthropology, which we applied by the principle of umbrella: observing the linguistic stratifications of the mentioned novels of Srbuhi Tyusab as an identification of femininity, in one radius. The research is unprecedented as this kind of study has been done for the first time. It acquires its importance and relevance not only in terms of interdisciplinarity, but also in the context of the analysis of «women’s problems » in Armenology. In order to be faithful to the originality of the article, we used the originals of Tyusab’s novels and not the reprints.