The “Double Diploma” programme is a Master’s Double Degree programme launched in 2016, which functions within the framework of a bilateral agreement between Vanadzor State University (VSU) and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU), (Poland). The joint program is intended for students who have completed their BA studies in the fields of Philology, History, or Art, and nowadays, they study for their Master’s degree at VSU or AMU. Within the scope of the Double Degree programme, Master’s students of VSU are given the opportunity to study in the department of Polish and Classical Philology of Adam Mickiewicz University for a year. After it, they continue their second year of studies in the departments of Philology, History and Pedagogy of VSU. On successful completion of the full Master’s study periods at both universities, the students obtain two Master’s Diplomas – one in the field of Mediterranean Studies, granted by Poznan Adam Mickiewicz University, and one awarded by Vanadzor State University with a relevant specialization.

The objective of the “Double Diploma” Master’s study programme is the provision of a quality MA education with the specialization of Mediterranean Studies by submerging it into the fields of Philology, History, Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, Tourism, Media, and International Relations. Taking into account the growth in social demand, VSU aims at carrying out pertinent educational programme, which will meet all the requirements of the labor market, by providing quality, modern and competitive professional education, within the scope of its cooperation with AMU.

Within the scope of the programme, the education at AMU is fully provided in English; consequently, the applicants for the “Double Diploma” Master’s study programme need to have a good command of English as a foreign language. Additionally, students may have the opportunity of being enrolled in foreign language (Polish, German, etc.) studies, organized at AMU, in the context of AMU-PIE programme.
Double Degree Master’s study programme is a crucial step for the internationalization strategy of VSU, for providing quality and competitive education, for refreshing educational programmes and educational and methodological packages and spurring dynamic and effective international cooperation.