Content /according to authors/

Mаnаnа Dаlаlyаn , Mаrine Mkrtchyаn

The Use оf Gаllicisms in English Diplоmаtic Terminоlоgy

Hasmik Harutyunyan, Aren Santoyan, Marine Kalashyan

The Perception of Eponym in Modern Linguistics: Dynamics of Concepts and Definitions

Tereza Shahverdyan

Mkrtich Sargsyan’s Fairytale-Novel “Kaj Nazar”

Gayane Chopuryan

Personal Names in Armenian Lithographic Inscriptions of the 14th-16th Centuries (Current region of Ukraine)

Nina Jaghinyan

The Presence of Symbols in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” (Comparative-introspective Analysis)

Nrane Sargsyan

Connections between the Middle Armenian and Western Armenian Languages in the System of the Imperative Mode: Imperative (Singular)

Nelli Galstyan

The Theme of Preservation and Retreat of National Identity  in The Novel “Daughters of Memory” By Peter Najarian

Vano Yeghiazaryan, Gayane Hovivyan

Manuk Abeghyan on the Female Authors of Hayrens

Gayane Malumyan

 Ideological and Artistic Parallels of “Khmbapet Shavarsh” and “Toward the Mount Masis” Poems by Y. Charents

Liana Martirosyan

Political Myths in the Armenian Media Environment

Ashkhen Simonyan

Duality of Personality in the Life and Work of Fyodor Sologub

Valeri Piloyan

 Alarms for Memory Sake -2 or the Degeneration of Man  (Based on the Plays ‘’To die is so hard’’ by Moushegh Ishkhan and “An Hour Memory’’ by Karine Khodikyan)

Yurik Ghulyan

The Claims of Azerbaijan on Zangezur (June- November of 1918)

Feliks Movsisyan

The Newspaper “Mshak” on Giuseppe Garibaldi’s Liberation Struggle

Elen Sharoyan

 Echoes of the “Azdarar” Newspaper in Kuwait Concerning the Activities  of the Armenian National Committee on the Issue of Recognition  of the Armenian Genocide (2014-2017)

Benik Vardanyan

The Challenges of teaching the Subject “Archaeology” in Regional Universities, using the Example of Vanadzor State University

Tatyana Ohanyan

The Response to the 44-day Karabakh War in the “Zhamanak” Daily Newspaper

Sofya Babayan, Tatev Brutyan

Changing the Education Paradigm to adapt to the Labor Market

Tigran Badoyan

The Process of Enlargement of Ra Communities, Problems, their Review and Further Development (On the Example of the Enlarged Communities of Lori Marz, RA)

Hrachya Zakaryan

Investigating Some Trends of the Impact of Digitalisation on the Economy of the Republic of Armenia

Lida Balabekyan

 Program Requirements on Speech Development for Children with Hearing Impairment in Preparatory Class

Lyudmila Danielyan

Preparing Schoolchildren for the Conscious Choice of Profession

Emma Kostanyan

The Analysis of Conceptual Approaches to the Monitoring of Metacognitive Processes of Junior Schoolchildren

Naira Harutyunyan

Characteristics of Reflective and Non-Reflective Youth at Different Levels of Achievement Motivation

Vahan Meliksetyan

The Role of Communication in The Personality Development Process of Primary Schoolchildren

David Akelyan

The Essence and Epistemological Significance of the Conceptual Dispute between Fallibilism and Infallibilism

Garik Poghosyan

 Conceptual Justification of the Political Future in the Three-Dimensionality of the Past-Present-Future