Instructive Meetings of the MEDIA Project at RISEBA University (Riga)
From September 24 to 29, within the framework of the MEDIA Project “Strengthening the quality of online education in HEIS in Moldova and Armenia”, instructive meetings were held at Erasmus+ universities at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia. VSU was represented by the local coordinator of the MEDIA project, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Mathematics and Informatics Hermine Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Mathematics and Informatics, Associate Professor Heghine Ohanyan and Head of the Center for Educational Reforms and Training, Associate Professor of the Chair of Arts and Sports Vaghinak Nazaryan.
The discussions included presentations on RISEBA’s experience with online microcredit modules, videography of synchronous and asynchronous courses, equipment selection, and computer software for shooting.
Test filming was done with program participants the following day while on a visit to MEDIALab.
The final meeting day was devoted to the discussion of the project’s future work and plans.