Conceptual Justification of the Political Future

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2024 vol 1

Conceptual Justification of the Political Future in the Three-Dimensionality of the Past-Present-Future

Garik Poghosyan


Key words: the end of history, four-level studies, progress-challenge-response, anthropomorphizing factors

The article addresses the complicated issue of political future in a temporally three-dimensional manner. First, an attempt is made to dissect the conceptual contents of the idea of the “end of history” linking its historical evolution to contemporary international relations. Moreover, the article exposes the underlying connection between the “end of history” on the one hand and the “political future” on the other. In this sense, one may conculde that it is necessary to differentiate between the “end of history” as an arguable notion and the “desired end of history” as a universal direction of humankind. Second, an emphasis is made on the interrelationships among the individual, the society, the state and supranational entities revealing the sociocultural dimension of the political future. Finally, the article addresses the proposed matrix of “challenge-response to the challenge-counter-challenge” as a formula of an effective deal with contemporary sociopolitical phenomena. The general representation is, however, the anthropomorphizing effect of the political future in the context of global and local civilizations.