Preparing Schoolchildren for the Conscious Choice of Profession

Scientific Proceedings of  Vanadzor State University Humanitarian and Social Sciences (ISSN 2738-2915)        

2024 vol 1

Preparing Schoolchildren for the Conscious Choice of Profession

Lyudmila Danielyan


Key words: profession, professional orientation, professional self-determination, labor market, career

It’s evident now that “Specialty selection” classes in schools are becoming a necessity. Here, the assistance of a specialist is required to make clear the goals and aptitudes and the ways of aligning them with the demands of particular professions.

There should be active cooperation in the school: specialist-student-parent. A system of professional orientation ought to be in existence now, integrated into the educational process, and adjusted to reflect the labor market’s ongoing changes. Those changes in the labor market reflect the emergence of new, technically complex professions attractive to young people.

The learner needs to be given the chance to identify and assess his own interests and abilities, learn how to set and meet realistic goals for oneself, form and develop the decision-making skills necessary to make the transition from school to work at any level in order to make a deliberate choice of profession.

The search and finding of personal interest within the selected profession, occupations, or labour is the essence of making a conscientious decision about a specialty. When selecting a profession, it is important to keep in mind one’s hobbies and interest in various things, then cross out any overlaps and try to understand what is more important in the given profession and how useful it is to the public. To achieve all this, preparatory and continuous courses are needed.